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A Teachable Moment in Monetary Policy and History?
Why fundamental principles need to be discussed now
By Karen Y. Palasek
Director, Educational & Academic Programs
June 24, 2010
Dr. Palasek’s talk.
Dr. Karen Palasek is Director of Educational and Academic Programs at the John Locke Foundation. She received her B.Mus.Ed. from Hartt College of Music at the University of Hartford, her M.A. in Economics from the University of Connecticut, and her Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University. While completing requirements for her doctoral degree in economics, she spent time as legislative assistant for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas. Palasek joined the John Locke Foundation in 2002, where she began working with the Carolina Journal and North Carolina Education Alliance as a writer and policy analyst in the area of K-12 education. She assumed her current position with the John Locke Foundation in 2004. Her largest project is the E.A. Morris Fellowship for Emerging Leaders Program (EAMorrisfellows.org). Started in 2005, the E.A. Morris Fellowship selects up to 16 qualified Fellows to participate in a series of retreats and leadership development efforts.